Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer act only to pre-load a picture into a paint window, speeding up further uses of the file. The picture will not be composited by this layer. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel logical Exclusive or function. This is equivalent to the XOR notes command, and may not yield meaningful colors. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel logical Or function. This is equivalent to the OR notes command, and may not yield meaningful colors. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel logical And function. This is equivalent to the AND notes command, and may not yield meaningful colors. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using black transparency. This is equivalent to the BLACK notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel RGB-value subtraction. This is equivalent to the SUBTRACT notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to get a pure black layer. This is equivalent to the BLACK-BG notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to get a pure alpha layer. This is equivalent to the ALPHA-BG notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a transparency control. This is equivalent to the BLENDLEVEL notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a blend function. This is equivalent to the BLEND notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer's region appear only as a shadow. This is equivalent to the SHADOW notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to prevent the layer from being used. This is equivalent to the OFF notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using white transparency. This is equivalent to the WHITE notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a transparency/double-exposure control. This is equivalent to the FADER notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer an addative glow. This is equivalent to the GLOW notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited using only the picture data. This is equivalent to the PIC-ONLY notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel maximum-value function. This is equivalent to the MAXIMUM notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a matte control. This is equivalent to the MATTE notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer use reversed alpha compositing. This is equivalent to the COMPOSITE* notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to create a Spline set between that frame & the previous. When used on a Spline marker, it will edit. Drag this tool onto a layer to create a Pantograph set between that frame & the previous. When used on a Pantograph marker, it will edit. When used on a Spline marker, it will convert it to a Pantograph. Drag this tool onto a layer to create a Fade/Dissolve set between that frame & the previous frame Drag this tool onto a layer to create a Wipe set between that frame & the previous frame Drag this tool onto a layer to create a move set between that frame & the previous frame Drag this tool onto a layer to have the layer composited into the frame using a pixel-by-pixel minimum-value function. This is equivalent to the MINIMUM notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a black and white matte control. This is equivalent to the BWMAT notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer use alpha compositing. This is equivalent to the COMPOSITE notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a gel. This is equivalent to the GEL notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to make the layer a camera move-controlling layer. This is equivalent to the FRAME notes command. Drag this tool onto a layer to create an empty frame-space. The frame you drop this onto will move down, creating the space. Drag this tool onto a layer to create an empty layer-space. The layer you drop this onto will move down or to the right, creating the space. Drag this tool onto a layer to break a frame up into two separate frames. The layer you drop this onto will become the first layer of a new frame.